
the great confession took place last night. tanulsagos volt.


persze, a facipot meg nevezhetnenk nike-anak. azaz n-ikeanak.
ha ha. how funny i am.
sut a nap, bolondos az elme.



most people think that putting a smile on their idiot face can always help. no, it can't.
old man puts his hand _too_ close behind me on the bus. ok, i pretend that i don't bother about it and i go on with listening to music and making a sketch from my dissertation. but then... he puts his face in front of me (and lets me experience his terrible smell) and asks: can i help you? can i? of course i can't... i'm just joking... wtf?! who asked you to talk to me? argh. moreover, arrrrrrgggggh. of course he went on discussing about fuckin' politics after our affair.
these are the situations when i want a driving licence.